How to Buy a Real Boomerang!

When selecting the best boomerang to buy please consider whether the thrower is right handed or left handed!  You will also want to know the age, size and arm strength of the thrower and probably choose the safer, smaller and lighter boomerangs for use by kids.

For example:

Ages 5-7: Foam boomerangs for safety or a thin plastic boomerang like the "Rain Forest"

Ages 8-12: Light foam boomerangs like the "Sharkrang" or plastic boomerangs like the "Bumblebee" or "Skyblader" or wooden boomerangs designed for kids like the "Blue Angel", "Glacier" or "True Blue".

Ages 13-17: Wood boomerangs like the Seagull, Aspen, or Eagle.

Ages 18 or above: Any of our boomerangs. The heavier and bigger ones require more arm strength than the lighter, small ones.

Throwing boomerangs can take up to 1 hour to learn and it does involve looking at the directions! See our "How to Throw Boomerangs" video and included instructions to get the most out of your boomerang purchase!

  • Every purchase comes with our illustrated instructions, but a small child still will need some guidance to get a boomerang to work safely. Adult supervision is needed, especially if there are multiple children present.